Sunday - 6:30 - 7:30 pm - Original ACoA Group of Saratoga - In-Person
Topic/discussion or BRB step meeting
United Methodist Church, Adkin's Room
175 Fifth Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Monday evenings - 7 - 8pm - Big Red Book meeting In-Person
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Poestenkill
772 NY-351, Poestenkill, NY 12140
Contact Steve: 518-949-7880
Tuesday - 6:30pm - 7:30pm Schenectady Clubhouse ACA - In-Person
430 Cedar St. Schenectady NY
Use back entrance
Big Red Book reading and sharing.
Tuesday - 7:00pm - Williamstown Upper Room Group - In-Person
Loving Parent Guidebook work
(First Tuesday of the month - Big Red Book meeting)
St. John's Episcopal Church
31 Park St., Williamstown, MA 01267
Use center entrance - parking on street or behind church
(when the meeting is virtual use the following:
Zoom link -
Meeting ID: 811 456 216 Passcode: 2020
Loving Parent Guidebook virtual narrative HERE
Virtual Big Red Book narrative for Williamstown meeting HERE.)
Wednesday - 12:00 noon - Welcome Home Group - In-Person
St.John's Episcopal Church of Cohoes
405 Vliet Blvd, Cohoes
Wednesday - 6:30 - 7:30 pm - In-Person
The Body, Mind, and Spirit Group of Bennington
The Turning Point Center - The Mill Building
160 Benmont Ave- 4th floor
Wednesday - 7:30pm - Troy Solutions BRB Study Group - Virtual
Meeting ID: 141 215 851 - Join Zoom Meeting from your browser -
Passcode: 2020 Phone in - 929 205 6099
Friday - 7:00pm - Sheffield, MA - Found Freedom group
125 Main Street (Rt 7)
Located in Old Parish Congregational Church, side entrance. Next to Mobil gas station.
ACAs Only
Format: Discussion - Fellowship Text (BRB)
Saturday - 12:00 noon - Begin Again In-Person
St. John's Episcopal Church of Cohoes
405 Vliet Blvd, Choes
Saturday - 12:15pm - Troy Saturday Study Group - Closed till further notice
Saturday - 1:15-2:15 - The Steps to Freedom - Open and In-Person
ACA 12-step workbook
St. John's Episcopal Church of Cohoes
405 Vliet Blvd, Cohoes
We are using Zoom. You can call in using the number listed, or download the app on your phone or tablet. Enter the given URL in your web browser. The meetings have been set up so that you can get into the meeting 10 minutes before the scheduled time.
Virtual Material
Here is a general ACA meeting narrative, with appropriate material (the Steps, etc.) for the Host to use with the Share Screen feature.
If you wish to make a donation to the Intergroup to support our Zoom meetings CLICK HERE. Thank you!.